5231319“MADONNA” THE ROBOT – Our 14 channel, fully RC Robot has a         Daily                 Weekly

lot of personality. She requires a minimum of one Puppeteer at               $1250.00            ——-

additional cost and a one time set up fee of $350.00.



2860686P.M. Arm –  Stylized,  4.5′ long extended. Shoulder, extend and rotate, elbow extend, wrist back and forth and claw open and close.

Daily                     Weekly
*$1100.00             *$2200.00

 *Requires Operator at additional charge and one time set up fee                                                     




8220858Bionic Arm – Bionic Arm – Stylized arm w/ shoulder, elbow, wrist

Non-working – static only                                             Daily                Weekly                                                                                                                                  $250.00           $500.00

















Please email us at info@flixfx.com for further details.